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Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires - ITBA
Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires - ITBA

Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires - ITBA

Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires was created on November 20, 1959 and is the only private university in Argentina specialized in Technology, Engineering and Management. For 60 years, it has contributed to the resolution of humanity's challenges through university education of recognized excellence, the production of scientific knowledge and international collaboration.
ITBA is a University committed to the progress of the country and the people, which promotes the development of innovative, entrepreneurial, disruptive, agile professionals with a sustainable vision and a vocation to transform the world. Since its foundation, it trains students under the values of innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship and leadership, and pursues a unique educational model in the country oriented to research and project generation, along with the early connection of students with companies.
Currently, more than 11 thousand ITBA graduates are developing in the professional world, in public and private companies, and even with their own ventures and highly successful projects.


We are a private university committed to the development of the country and the region.


To be a recognized regional leader in technology, engineering and management.


● Respect for people

● Respect for the truth and our word of honour

● Compliance with standards

● Ability to be accountable for one's actions


Our university careers offer an excellent training with all the technology at the disposal of knowledge to accompany the development of active and dynamic professional careers.  The study proposal of our undergraduate programs includes connecting with, developing and participating in projects, carrying out exchanges, learning from renowned academics and teachers, and putting knowledge into action through the use of the best technology and practice in our first-class laboratories and workshops.

At ITBA, you can currently study Engineering specialties such as Industrial, Computer, Mechanical, Petroleum, Chemical, Naval, Civil and Electronic Engineering; Bioengineering; and our two undergraduate degrees known as Bachelor in Analytics (Data Science) and Bachelor in Business Management. We also have Graduate and Doctorate programs, which form leaders in the concrete application of technological innovation, capable of anticipating the challenges that technologies and business impose.


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  • ITBA Scholarship Program

    ITBA Scholarship Program

    At ITBA we build alliances with companies and individuals, generating opportunities and reinforcing values so that the economic factor is not an impediment to access to our quality education. We have different categories within our Scholarship Program, such as Annual Scholarships and Nominated Scholarships.

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