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Association for the Promotion of Culture and Development.
Association for the Promotion of Culture and Development.

Program Details

Civil and Indigenous Rights

The mission of this program is to promote and strengthen indigenous rights, as well as to foster recognition of their communities as distinct peoples. They work with the Wichí and Nivaĉlé peoples from the central-west region of Formosa Province, Argentina, to promote and consolidate their rights to cultural identity, territory and development, education, and citizenship.

To achieve this, they provide training to strengthen awareness of their rights and encourage active participation in decision-making processes that affect them. They also strive to raise awareness and promote effective implementation of laws that have already been enacted in their favor.

Furthermore, they work on the development of new laws that address indigenous needs and protect their collective rights. This includes organizing workshops, mobilizations, and trips to raise awareness and advocate for positive changes. Additionally, they utilize various communication channels to foster inclusive dialogue within society.

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