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Redes Solidarias
Redes Solidarias

Program Details

School supplies for children in the community of La Estrella, Salta

School Kit Campaign for the indigenous communities of 'La Estrella' in the Chaco of Salta

The indigenous women who live in the riverside communities of the Alto Pilcomayo in deep isolation, have their hopes placed in school and in the education of their children to improve their living conditions.


However, we know that the educational gap is widening in our region and will increasingly affect vulnerable populations for multiple reasons.


The lack of shoes, clothes, books and school supplies are the main obstacle faced by families who have children enrolled in school and who must travel several kilometers to school every day.

Redes Solidarias Foundation is launching this 2021 campaign to reinforce schooling in the primary schools of Alto Pilcomayo and to encourage the continuity of studies for 7th grade graduates.


This campaign focuses on the 60 children of the La Estrella community who attend primary school and the 16 who attend secondary school.

February 17, Salta's schools will reopen their doors for a new school year.


Let's work together to improve the socio-educational situation of our country.

By donating USD 25 you will be donating a school KIT and making an indigenous child and his family happy!


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