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OlimpĂ­adas Especiales Argentina
OlimpĂ­adas Especiales Argentina

Program Details

Inclusive leadership

SPORTS AND UNIFIED SPORTS®: This program offers training and competition in Olympic-style sports for people with intellectual disabilities, ages 8 and up, including all skill levels and with no age limit. Unified Sport® is an initiative that began more than 30 years ago in our country, which, in line with current paradigms and the global vision of Special Olympics, promotes the union of people with intellectual disabilities (athletes) and people without intellectual disabilities (peers) training and competing in team sports. In addition, we do a great job of training sports leaders from all over the country, so that they can provide local training and join the competition circuit.

ATHLETE LEADERSHIP: This program promotes at the national level the training and involvement of athletes so that they develop skills that allow them to occupy leadership roles inside and outside the sports field (so that they can perform, for example, as speakers, sports judges, assistant coaches , members of event organizing committees, sports leaders, among others).

CHAMPION UNIFIED SCHOOLS: This program is currently implemented in Argentina, Bharat, Egypt, Pakistan, Romania and Rwanda. It promotes the inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities through the training and involvement of young people and the educational community. The principle of this Project is Inclusive Youth Leadership as it brings together young people with and without intellectual disabilities through socio-educational and sports activities, so that they lead their own inclusion projects in their communities and thus create lasting social change.

In 2021 we implemented more than 130 educational and sports activities, reaching more than 20,000 people with and without disabilities throughout the country. During the pandemic we developed new resources to ensure the continuity of our remote programs and since last year we have also resumed face-to-face activities.

To learn more about these and other Special Olympics Argentina programs, we invite you to visit: https://olimpiadaespecial.org.ar/programas.html

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