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Organizations you can support

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  • Association for the Promotion of Culture and Development.

    Association for the Promotion of Culture and Development.

    We work with the Wichí and Nivaĉlé peoples from the central-westernwest of the province of Formosa, Argentina, in order to promote andand strengthen their rights to cultural identity, territory and development, education and development, education and citizenship.

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  • Avanzar por el Desarrollo Humano

    Avanzar por el Desarrollo Humano

    Avanzar is an organization that works towards Human Development by providing microcredits, manual trades and management courses as well as health insurance through strategic allies.

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  • Cáritas Argentina Comisión Nacional

    Cáritas Argentina Comisión Nacional

    We are Caritas Argentina, an organization of the Catholic Church that works to respond to the social problems arising from poverty. We are more than 40,000 volunteers in 3,500 work teams and we are in every corner of the country. We accompany individuals, families and communities in situations of exclusion and vulnerability. ...

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  • Cáritas Mar del Plata

    Cáritas Mar del Plata

    The mission of Caritas can be summarized in three different plans with its specific respective programs:- Immediate assistance to the neediest people;- Promotion of assisted people so that they can purchase their own destiny and;- Commitment for the change of the structures that generate in a constant way situations of inequalit...

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  • Cáritas San Isidro

    Cáritas San Isidro

    Our Mission is to accompany and comprehensively care for all people by promoting, encouraging, coordinating and organizing charitable ministry.

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  • CELS - Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales

    CELS - Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales

    We are part of the Argentine human rights movement, which emerged in the late 1970s to fight against the last military dictatorship. Four and a half decades later, we have achieved some of our founding objectives, such as the prosecution of crimes against humanity. Today, political projects around the world seek to reinstate the...

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  • Chequeado


    We work to enhance the truth and raise the cost of lying. Checked is the main project of the Foundation the public voice. Are a medium digital not partisan and without purposes of profit that is dedicated to the verification of the speech public and the promotion of the access to the information and the opening of data. We check...

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  • CILSA - Centro de Integración Libre y Solidario de Argentina

    CILSA - Centro de Integración Libre y Solidario de Argentina

    CILSA’s main purpose is to promote the full inclusion of people with disabilities and people belonging to marginalized sectors of society, such as children and teenagers in a state of social vulnerability.

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  • CIPPEC - Centro de Implementación de Políticas Públicas para la Equidad y el Crecimiento

    CIPPEC - Centro de Implementación de Políticas Públicas para la Equidad y el Crecimiento

    CIPPEC is an independent nonprofit organization that works on better building public policies. We promote policies that would make Argentina more developed, more equal, with the same opportunities for all and solid and efficient public institutions. We want a fair, democratic and inclusive society, where everyone has the possib...

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  • Fundación Akamasoa Argentina

    Fundación Akamasoa Argentina

    We are a Solidarity Movement that works tirelessly to replicate the work of Father Pedro Opeka, the one that rescued 500,000 people from poverty. Since we arrived in Argentina, we have managed to build a Montessori garden, a nursery, a health room, a school for adults, spaces for various trades (blacksmithing, carpentry, glass m...

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