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Cáritas Mar del Plata
Cáritas Mar del Plata

Cáritas Mar del Plata

The mission of Caritas can be summarized in three different plans with its specific respective programs:- Immediate assistance to the neediest people;- Promotion of assisted people so that they can purchase their own destiny and;- Commitment for the change of the structures that generate in a constant way situations of inequality.


Cáritas Argentina is the agency that encourages and organizes the pastoral charity of the Church aiming at generate and give integral answers of poverty issues following values such as dignity, justice and solidarity.

It searches to promote:
- The effort of the poorest as active protagonists of their own personal, family and communal development.
- The community sense, so that all can assume justice and charity duties to solve the issues of the disadvantaged.
- The integral formation of those who collaborate in order to reach the greatest efficiency and commitment in the service action of the charity.


- Meet the reality of the people with a fraternal heart, so that, by recognizing together the actual scenarios of poverty, we will be able to involve ourselves lovingly increasingly in building a more just and caring society and denouncing what injures human dignity.
- Encourage and support communal participatory processes which respect the identity and culture of everyone, to encourage the attention and defense of the life and the human promotion through education, social inclusion, civil participation and respecting the environment actions.
- Strengthen a way of being and acting that reinforce the articulation, the cooperation and the networking with other pastoral areas, of other believes, with the State and other organizations, valuing our identity and contribution of the others
- Revitalize the Caritas organizations in all its fields, renewing and resignifying practices and fraternal links, recovering capacities, strengthening work team, integral formation, training and a permanent dialogue.
- Sharing life with the young ones, rediscovering together the supportive love as a way of human growth, imaging and staring with his creativity and enthusiasm gifts, new expressions of charity.
 Hogar Nazaret

Our goal is to bring a home for aging homeless people (men and women older than 18) so that they have the opportunity to spend the night under a roof, to snack, to have a shower, clean clothes, to dine, to have breakfast, to rest and to have a spiritual and professional support (professionals of Social Work, Psychology, Psychiatry and General Medicine).

Address: Chacabuco 4850
Mar del Plata
Telephone: 0223 475-6565

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