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FLENI - Fundación para la Lucha contra las Enfermedades Neurológicas de la Infancia
FLENI - Fundación para la Lucha contra las Enfermedades Neurológicas de la Infancia

FLENI - Fundación para la Lucha contra las Enfermedades Neurológicas de la Infancia

Fleni is a nonprofit organization founded in 1959, dedicated to the diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and rehabilitation of neurological diseases. Today, it is a medical institution with international recognition, providing care to children and adults in all areas of Neuroscience at its facilities located in Belgrano and Escobar.

Fleni in numbers

·        10,000,000 patients have received our care in the last ten years.

·        More than 20,000 patients rehabilitated since 2001.

·        Over 12,000 neurosurgeries and 5,000 neuro-orthopedic procedures in the last 10 years.

·        In the fields of research and education, in the last 10 years, Fleni has presented more than 1,000 scientific papers and over 800 publications in national and international journals. More than 600 conferences have been given, and its researchers have received more than 50 national and international awards.

60 years at the forefront of Neuroscience

Fleni is a nonprofit organization founded in 1959 by Dr. Raúl Carrea along with a group of benefactors, with the goal of contributing to the prevention and fight against neurological diseases in childhood.

Sixty years after its creation, Fleni has evolved into a comprehensive service for neurological diseases, including prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation. Today, it is a medical institution of international prestige, providing care to children and adults in all areas of Neuroscience.

It has two facilities for comprehensive care of adult and pediatric patients. The Belgrano facility houses our acute care center. It consists of 3 towers with 19,000 square meters of built space, equipped with 8 floors for general hospitalization, with 113 beds. It includes intensive care, general care floors, high-complexity operating rooms, 70 outpatient consultation rooms, 16 ultrasound machines, 4 MRI machines, 2 CT scanners, 2 angiography units, and Argentina’s only Gamma Knife.

The Escobar facility is home to our Rehabilitation Center with 70 beds, the Molecular Imaging Center (CIM) with PET-CT and Cyclotron, and our Laboratories for Applied Neuroscience Research (LIAN). The site spans 32 hectares with 27,000 square meters of built space.

For more information: www.fleni.org.ar

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  • + Technology + Health

    + Technology + Health

    The mission of the +Technology +Health project is to provide our professionals with the most advanced technological resources, in favour of neurologic health and research. By upgrading our equipment, we will be able to continue offering high-quality medical care to both adult and pediatric patients.

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