Fundación CONIN
CONIN was founded by Dr. Abel Albino in the province of Mendoza, Argentina, on September 4, 1993. Albino took the model of CONIN Chile, designed by its founder Dr. Fernando Mönckeberg, who successfully managed to break the scourge of child malnutrition in that country.
"To break the child malnutrition in Argentina, starting with Mendoza and then spread to the rest of Latin America and the world."
"A country with equal opportunities, where everyone can display their genetic potential, where all their members can freely choose the path to follow."
CONIN methodology
Malnutrition includes all clinical forms of malnutrition, as well as overweight and obesity. In Argentina, the highest prevalence of malnutrition is that manifested by height deficit or stunting, the consequence of chronic malnutrition. At the same time, it is observed in an increasing trend of cases of childhood overweight or obesity.
The first years of life are the most dynamic phase in the growth process and it is extremely vulnerable to different conditions. Deficits or excesses in infant nutritional status are associated with multiple factors in the environment in which the child lives from conception.
During this "critical period", thanks to the characteristics of brain development, we can positively intervene: at the nutritional level; at the family level, strengthening ties and ties; and at the developmental level, stimulating the child at the psycho-affective and motor level. In this way it is possible to reverse the damage; But after this period there may be permanent consequences that make adaptation to society, emotional ability and learning difficult.
The capabilities that an individual can achieve depend on both genetic and environmental factors. It is during the first years of life when experiences leave deep traces, whether positive or negative. In conditions of chronic poverty, typical of underdevelopment, many of the individuals are limited in the expression of their genetic potential, both physical and intellectual. Not only the individual suffers from these circumstances, but also society, which is limited in its possibilities of progress and development.
Fundación CONIN's successful method is based on the comprehensive approach to the social problem that gives rise to extreme poverty and its direct consequence: MALNUTRITION. The effectiveness of the CONIN method for the prevention and treatment of malnutrition, lies in acting on the causes, since it acts beyond the healthcare patches that only attend to the emergency.
All the programs that are developed in a Child Malnutrition Prevention and Human Promotion Center (CONIN Center) and in the Recovery Center are aimed at accompanying the family group through assistance and education. Thus, it is intended to strengthen protective factors and seek strategies to minimize or eradicate the risk factors that are seen in the child's family group.
The direct beneficiaries are children from 0 to 5 years of age and their mothers, as well as those pregnant mothers who enter without a child. They are provided with different educational activities that promote and promote healthy parenting styles; enhancing individual, family and social resources for the generation of a culture of protection of children's rights.
The mother's education, as the main health agent, is the basis of all the interventions that are developed for the child's recovery, and it is through it that the integration of the family and the community is sought.
Child Malnutrition Prevention Center
Located in Las Heras, Mendoza
In the “El Plumerillo” Center, children from 0 to 5 years of age with mild or moderate malnutrition and / or at social risk are cared for.
The child attends this CONIN Center once a week together with his mother and siblings under 5 years of age, even though they are not malnourished. Mothers and children receive breakfast and snack every time they attend.
While the children remain in the kindergarten or integration room, with initial level teachers in charge, the mothers participate in Human Promotion activities: literacy workshops, health education, and trade workshops.
Simultaneously with the aforementioned activities, professionals provide the corresponding care with a follow-up plan, treatment and stimulation according to the characteristics of each child, involving mothers in the exercises and instructions that are carried out at the CONIN Center to to continue at home, supporting scheduled therapy.
Within the Complementary Food Assistance Program, families receive weekly a bag of food in order to prepare at home according to nutritional instructions. In addition, other programs such as Documentation and Legalization of the family and Family Wardrobe are carried out; This last service allows all family members to have a coat and shoes.
Recovery Center for Malnourished Infants
Located in Las Heras, Mendoza
The "Mother Teresa of Calcutta" Center is dedicated to the comprehensive care and nutritional recovery of children with moderate and severe malnutrition. Malnourished children are immunodeficient, so their admission to general hospitals increases their risk of complications.
Attention modalities
Criteria for admission to the internment modality:
1. Primary or secondary, moderate or severe malnourished children, preferably under three years of age, in whom outpatient treatment has failed or cannot be performed for social reasons.
2. Children who require nutritional support or stimulation and specialized follow-up from an interdisciplinary group due to high biological or social risk. The children are hospitalized together with their mothers, who receive the same education and training provided in the Prevention Center.
Criteria for admission to the outpatient clinic mode:
1- Primary or secondary malnourished children, who have been hospitalized or are referred for follow-up.
2- Children who require nutritional support or stimulation and specialized monitoring of an interdisciplinary group due to high biological or social risk.
Both in the outpatient modality and the hospitalization, children manage to initiate nutritional recovery and improve their psychomotor development, modifying their eating habits and maternal understanding and commitment to the child's treatment, with the containment and support of the family and the community.
Address: May 25, 859
Mendoza Argentina
Telephone: 0800-222-1620
Have you ever thought about changing the world?
Did you know that your grain of sand can make a difference? Imagine a world where all children have the same opportunities to grow and develop. CONIN has been confident for more than 30 years that together, we can achieve it. We work with the little ones and their families, from conception, to reverse and treat childhood malnutrition. We need your help. Without you, none of this is possible!
Evento a beneficio de Fundación CONIN
Fundación CONIN trabaja hace más de 29 años en la prevención y tratamiento de la desnutrición infantil en la Argentina. Atendemos a más de 400 niños por año, mediante el abordaje integral de las múltiples causas de la desnutrición, tomando como pilares la educación, la asistencia y la investigación. Te invitamos a que te sumes a Fundación CONIN con tu aporte mensual, para que más niños puedan ser tratados a tiempo y desarrollen su potencial.
New Model Center for Nutritional Recovery
Your donation will allow us to finish building and operating a new hospital in Mendoza, Argentina, for malnourished children from all over the country. Wherever you are, your heart continues to beat in Argentina! Be part of the change, join us! Reference values: 1,500 usd 3,000 usd 5,000 usd
Today more than ever, we must join forces and help the little ones to transform their reality. We can’t alone, we need your collaboration. A good start in life guarantees a future of equality and opportunity. Your help will be essential to be able to care for more than 500 children diagnosed with malnutrition and to continue our work, which in recent years has become a real challenge. Together can we build a better world for the little ones.
Sponsorship Recovery Center
One or more children admitted to the Malnourished Infant Recovery Center may sponsor. In this way, it gives him the opportunity to receive a comprehensive treatment for the child and the feeding and education of the mother, while her son is hospitalized.
Sponsorship Of The Prevention Center
They can sponsor one or more children who attend the Child Malnutrition Prevention Center. In this way, it gives them the opportunity to receive education and food assistance, both for the child and for his family.