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A campaign is launched to seek support for a law that allows the donation of food

In 2004, the 25.989 law on the donation of food, known as Act Donal was sanctioned.

In Argentina, 28.6% of the population is in a situation of poverty according to INDEC data; while 16 million tons of food are lost and wasted per year. In spite of it, daily, restaurants, caterings and supermarkets throw great amount of food. Some places choose to give leftovers to people who go to ask.
In 2004, Law 25,989 on the donation of food, known as the Donal Law, was enacted. The objective is to encourage donations of food to help meet the needs of the most vulnerable populations, a rule that in fact does not encourage donation. In Article 9, exempted donors from responsibility for food once delivered to beneficiaries under the conditions required by the Argentine Food Code.
Full story here