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What we do

Promoting Social Investment in Argentina

Since 2002, more than USD 25 million have been donated to more than 250 organizations and social projects in Argentina.

HelpArgentina is a nonprofit organization that has been promoting social investment in Argentina since 2002. Our goals are to strengthen the nonprofits working to create social change in Argentina, to increase confidence in the Argentine nonprofit sector and to promote the culture of giving among Argentines.

Portal for Investment in the Latin American Social Sector (PILAS) is registered in New York as a nonprofit under article 501(c.3) of the U.S. tax code (EIN 550790450) - As such, donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. 

HelpArgentina is the chapter of PILAS focused on Argentina

We only work with organizations that meet our criteria of transparency and best practice, providing a safe and efficient infrastructure for them to receive support. As such, we may not be an action organization, i.e., we may not attempt to influence legislation as a substantial part of our activities and may not participate in any campaign activity for or against any political candidates.

How We Make a Difference

We use our deep understanding of the critical social issues in Argentina to identify the organizations that are highly effective in addressing these issues.

We invite organizations that meet our standards for best practice and transparency to join our network. By partnering with a diverse range of charitable organizations, we assure that donors can support the causes that matter to them - from education to hunger, from Norte to Patagonia, we can help you support the causes that you care about.

We provide information and advice that help both individuals and institutions identify the organizations and causes that align with their interests – our website provides detailed information about our member organizations and offers a secure, easy to use platform for online donations.

We offer customized services to help you make the most of your giving - tell us what you want to support and we will identify options, facilitate the donation, monitor progress and report the results.

We create unique volunteer experiences for international volunteers who want to offer their time and skills to help the non-profit organizations in our network.

To International Donors

HelpArgentina allows donations from taxpayers of the United States to be deductible from income taxes.

We provide a network of social organizations in which each member shares our principles of quality and transparency and meets our standards.

We evaluate organizations proposed by donors in order to confirm that they are eligible to receive donations from abroa. 


HelpArgentina announces relocation and new contact information for PILAS HelpArgentina offices in the United States.



16 East 96th Street, 4B New York, 

NY 10128United States

USA (01) 646-472-5188

If you prefer to make a donation by check, please send it in a sealed envelope along with the completed and signed 'Donation Form' to PILAS HelpArgentina new mailing address. 

For further information, please feel free to contact us at [email protected]